New South Wales - Australia
- Aarons Pass
- Abbotsford
- Abercrombie
- Abercrombie River
- Aberdare
- Aberfoyle
- Aberglasslyn
- Abernethy
- Abington
- Agnes Banks
- Airds
- Albion Park
- Albion Park Rail
- Albury
- Alexandria
- Alfords Point
- Alfredtown
- Alison
- Allambie
- Allambie Heights
- Allandale
- Allawah
- Alleena
- Allgomera
- Alpine
- Alstonvale
- Alstonville
- Alumy Creek
- Ambarvale
- Anambah
- Annandale
- Appin
- Appleby
- Appletree Flat
- Apple Tree Flat
- Araluen
- Argalong
- Argenton
- Argyle
- Arkell
- Arkstone
- Armidale
- Arncliffe
- Ashbury
- Ashby
- Ashby Heights
- Ashby Island
- Ashfield
- Ashmont
- Ashtonfield
- Asquith
- Audley
- Austinmer
- Avisford
- Avoca
- Avoca Beach
- Aylmerton
- Back Creek
- Back Forest
- Bagotville
- Balaclava
- Bald Hills
- Bald Ridge
- Balgowlah
- Balgowlah Heights
- Balickera
- Ballalaba
- Ballengarra
- Ballimore
- Ballina
- Ballyroe
- Balmain
- Balmain East
- Bango
- Bangor
- Banksmeadow
- Bankstown
- Bankstown Aerodrome
- Bankstown North
- Bankstown Square
- Bannaby
- Bannister
- Banyabba
- Bara
- Barangaroo
- Bar Beach
- Barcoongere
- Barden Ridge
- Bardwell Park
- Bardwell Valley
- Barigan
- Bar Point
- Barraganyatti
- Barrengarry
- Barren Grounds
- Barretts Creek
- Barry
- Baryulgil
- Bateau Bay
- Batehaven
- Batemans Bay
- Bathampton
- Bathurst
- Bathurst West
- Baulkham Hills
- Baw Baw
- Bay Village
- Beacon Hill
- Beaconsfield
- Beaumont
- Beaumont Hills
- Bective
- Beelbangera
- Belanglo
- Belfrayden
- Bellambi
- Bella Vista
- Bellawongarah
- Bellbird
- Bellbird Heights
- Bellmount Forest
- Belltrees
- Belrose
- Belrose West
- Benandarah
- Ben Buckler
- Bendoura
- Benerembah
- Bennetts Green
- Bensville
- Bentley
- Berkeley Vale
- Berkshire Park
- Berlang
- Berowra Creek
- Berowra Heights
- Berowra Waters
- Berrambool
- Berremangra
- Berrima
- Berry
- Berry Mountain
- Berry Park
- Bevendale
- Beverley Park
- Bexhill
- Bexley
- Bexley North
- Bexley South
- Biala
- Big Hill
- Big Ridge
- Big Springs
- Big Yengo
- Bilbul
- Billinudgel
- Billywillinga
- Bimberi
- Bimbimbie
- Birchgrove
- Bithramere
- Black Head
- Blackmans Point
- Blackwall
- Blair Athol
- Blakebrook
- Blakney Creek
- Blaxcell
- Blaxlands Creek
- Blenheim Road
- Bligh Park
- Blowering
- Blue Bay
- Blue Haven
- Blue Knob
- Blueys Beach
- Boambolo
- Boat Harbour
- Bocoble
- Bogong Peaks Wilderness
- Bohnock
- Bolwarra
- Bolwarra Heights
- Bombay
- Bombira
- Bom Bom
- Bombowlee
- Bombowlee Creek
- Bomen
- Bondi
- Bondi Beach
- Bondi Junction
- Bonnet Bay
- Bonny Hills
- Bonville
- Booerie Creek
- Book Book
- Booker Bay
- Bookham
- Bookram
- Boolaroo
- Booligal
- Boomerang Beach
- Boorabee Park
- Booragul
- Boorolong
- Boorooma
- Bootawa
- Booti Booti
- Booyong
- Borambola
- Boro
- Botany
- Botobolar
- Bouddi
- Bourkelands
- Bournda
- Bowen Mountain
- Bowling Alley Point
- Bowmans Creek
- Bowna
- Bowning
- Bowral
- Boxers Creek
- Box Head
- Box Hill
- Bradbury
- Braemar
- Braidwood
- Brandy Hill
- Braunstone
- Brawboy
- Bray Park
- Brays Creek
- Brayton
- Breadalbane
- Brewongle
- Bridgman
- Bril Bril
- Brimbin
- Brindabella
- Brisbane Grove
- Broadwater
- Broadway
- Brobenah
- Brocklehurst
- Brogers Creek
- Broke
- Broken Head
- Broken Hill
- Broken Hill North
- Broken Hill West
- Bronte
- Brooklyn
- Brookvale
- Brooman
- Brooms Head
- Broughams Gate
- Broughton
- Broughton Vale
- Broughton Village
- Brucedale
- Bruinbun
- Brungle
- Brungle Creek
- Brunkerville
- Brunswick Heads
- Brushgrove
- Buccarumbi
- Buchanan
- Buckaroo
- Buckenbowra
- Bucketty
- Budawang
- Budderoo
- Buddong
- Budgee Budgee
- Budgewoi
- Budgewoi Peninsula
- Budgong
- Buff Point
- Bulee
- Bulga
- Bulgary
- Bulli
- Bullio
- Bundabah
- Bundanoon
- Bundeena
- Bundewallah
- Bundure
- Bungabbee
- Bungonia
- Bungowannah
- Bunnan
- Burcher
- Burra
- Burra Creek
- Burradoo
- Burraga
- Burrandana
- Burraneer
- Burrawang
- Burringbar
- Burrinjuck
- Burrundulla
- Burwood
- Burwood North
- Bushells Ridge
- Buttai
- Butterwick
- Byangum
- Byron Bay
- Byrrill Creek
- Cabbage Tree Island
- Cabramatta
- Cabramatta West
- Caddens
- Caerleon
- Calala
- Calamia
- Calderwood
- Calga
- Caloola
- Camberwell
- Cambridge Gardens
- Cambridge Park
- Camellia
- Cammeray
- Campbelltown
- Campbelltown North
- Camperdown
- Canada Bay
- Canadian Lead
- Cangai
- Caniaba
- Canley Heights
- Canley Vale
- Canterbury
- Canyonleigh
- Carabost
- Carcalgong
- Caringbah
- Caringbah South
- Carlingford
- Carlingford Court
- Carlingford North
- Carlton
- Carnham
- Carrathool
- Carrick
- Carrington
- Carrington Falls
- Carroll
- Carrowbrook
- Carrs Creek
- Carrs Island
- Carrs Peninsular
- Cartwrights Hill
- Carwoola
- Castle Cove
- Castlecrag
- Castle Doyle
- Castle Hill
- Casuarina
- Catalina
- Cataract
- Cattai
- Cavan
- Cedar Brush Creek
- Cedar Creek
- Cells River
- Centennial Park
- Central Colo
- Central Mangrove
- Cessnock
- Cessnock West
- Chaelundi
- Chain Valley Bay
- Chambigne
- Charles Sturt University
- Charlestown
- Charleys Forest
- Charlotte Bay
- Charlottes Pass
- Charlton
- Chatham
- Chatsbury
- Chatswood
- Chatswood West
- Cheero Point
- Chifley
- Chilcotts Grass
- Chillingham
- Chinderah
- Chippendale
- Chiswick
- Chittaway Bay
- Chittaway Point
- Chowan Creek
- Chullora
- Church Point
- Clare
- Claremont Meadows
- Clarence Town
- Clarendon
- Clarenza
- Clear Creek
- Clear Range
- Clemton Park
- Clifden
- Cliftleigh
- Clifton
- Clontarf
- Clothiers Creek
- Clovass
- Clovelly
- Clovelly West
- Clunes
- Clyde
- Clydesdale
- Coaldale
- Coffee Camp
- Cogra Bay
- Colebee
- Coledale
- Colinroobie
- Collaroy
- Collaroy Beach
- Collaroy Plateau
- Collector
- Collingullie
- Collingwood
- Collum Collum
- Colo
- Colo Heights
- Colongra
- Colo Vale
- Colyton
- Combo
- Commissioners Creek
- Como
- Concord West
- Condell Park
- Condong
- Congewai
- Coniston
- Constitution Hill
- Coogee
- Cookardinia
- Cooks Gap
- Cooks Hill
- Coolangatta
- Cooleman
- Coolgardie
- Coolumburra
- Coomba Bay
- Coombadjha
- Coomba Park
- Cooperabung
- Cooyal
- Copacabana
- Copmanhurst
- Coppabella
- Copperhannia
- Corang
- Corbie Hill
- Corlette
- Corndale
- Cornwallis
- Corobimilla
- Corrabare
- Corrimal
- Corrimal East
- Corrong
- Cottage Point
- Couragago
- Coutts Crossing
- Cow Flat
- Cowper
- Crabbes Creek
- Crackenback
- Crangan Bay
- Cremorne
- Cremorne Junction
- Cremorne Point
- Crestwood
- Croki
- Cromer
- Cronulla
- Croom
- Crossmaglen
- Cross Roads
- Crows Nest
- Crowther Island
- Crudine
- Crystal Creek
- Cudgegong
- Cudgel
- Cudgen
- Cudgera Creek
- Cullenbone
- Cullerin
- Cumbalum
- Cumberland Reach
- Cumbo
- Cundletown
- Curl Curl
- Curragh
- Currans Hill
- Currawang
- Currawarna
- Curraweela
- Currowan
- Daleys Point
- Dalmorton
- Dalton
- Dalwood
- Dangar Island
- Dangarsleigh
- Darawank
- Darbalara
- Dark Corner
- Darlinghurst
- Darlington
- Daruka
- Davidson
- Davistown
- Dawes Point
- Dean Park
- Deep Creek
- Dee Why
- Denhams Beach
- Denistone
- Denistone West
- Depot Beach
- Diamond Beach
- Dilkoon
- Dog Rocks
- Dolans Bay
- Dolls Point
- Donald Creek
- Doon Doon
- Dooralong
- Dorroughby
- Double Bay
- Dover Heights
- Downside
- Doyalson
- Doyalson North
- Doyles Creek
- Drummoyne
- Dry Creek
- Dubbo
- Dubbo DC
- Dubbo East
- Dubbo Grove
- Dubbo West
- Duckenfield
- Dudley
- Duffys Forest
- Dulguigan
- Dulwich Hill
- Dumaresq
- Dumaresq Island
- Dumbudgery
- Dum Dum
- Dunbible
- Duncans Creek
- Dundas
- Dundas Valley
- Dungarubba
- Dungay
- Dungowan
- Dunkeld
- Dunolly
- Dunoon
- Duns Creek
- Dural
- Duramana
- Duranbah
- Durran Durra
- Durras North
- Durren Durren
- Duval
- Dyrring
- Eagleton
- Earlwood
- East Albury
- East Armidale
- East Ballina
- East Bowral
- East Corrimal
- Eastgardens
- East Gosford
- East Jindabyne
- East Kangaloon
- East Lindfield
- East Lismore
- East Lynne
- East Maitland
- East Ryde
- East Seaham
- East Tamworth
- East Wagga Wagga
- East Wardell
- Eastwood
- Eatonsville
- Ebenezer
- Eglinton
- Eighteen Mile
- Elanora Heights
- Eleebana
- Elizabeth Bay
- Elizabeth Beach
- Ellalong
- Elland
- Ellerston
- Elrington
- Eltham
- Elvina Bay
- Empire Bay
- Empire Vale
- Emu Heights
- Emu Plains
- Endrick
- Engadine
- Englorie Park
- Enmore
- Environa
- Epping
- Erina
- Erina Fair
- Erina Heights
- Erin Vale
- Erskineville
- Erudgere
- Estella
- Ettalong Beach
- Ettamogah
- Euberta
- Eunanoreenya
- Eungai Creek
- Eungai Rail
- Eungella
- Eureka
- Euroley
- Eurongilly
- Eurunderee
- Evans Plains
- Eveleigh
- Eviron
- Ewingsdale
- Exeter
- Failford
- Fairfield
- Fairfield East
- Fairfield Heights
- Fairfield West
- Falbrook
- Farley
- Far Meadow
- Farrants Hill
- Farringdon
- Federal
- Fernbank Creek
- Fern Gully
- Fernside
- Fernvale
- Fine Flower
- Fingal Bay
- Fingal Head
- Fishermans Reach
- Fitzgeralds Valley
- Fitzroy Falls
- Five Dock
- Flynns Beach
- Fordwich
- Forest Grove
- Forest Lodge
- Forestville
- Forresters Beach
- Forster
- Forster Shopping Village
- Fortis Creek
- Fosters Valley
- Four Mile Creek
- Fowlers Gap
- Foxground
- Frazer Park
- Freemans
- Freemans Reach
- Freemans Waterhole
- Freemantle
- Freshwater
- Frog Rock
- Gadara
- Galambine
- Galore
- Garland Valley
- Garoo
- Gateshead
- Gelston Park
- Gemalla
- Georges Plains
- Georgica
- Gerringong
- Gerroa
- Ghinni Ghinni
- Gidley
- Gilead
- Gillenbah
- Gillieston Heights
- Gilmandyke
- Gilmore
- Girards Hill
- Girraween
- Glanmire
- Glebe
- Glen Alpine
- Glenbawn
- Glenbrook
- Glendenning
- Glendon
- Glendon Brook
- Glenfield Park
- Glen Martin
- Glenmore Park
- Glennies Creek
- Glenning Valley
- Glen Oak
- Glenquarry
- Glenridding
- Glenrock
- Glenroy
- Glenthorne
- Glenugie
- Glen William
- Glenworth Valley
- Glossodia
- Goat Island
- Gobbagombalin
- Gocup
- Gogeldrie
- Golspie
- Goobarragandra
- Good Hope
- Goodmans Ford
- Googong
- Goolmangar
- Goonellabah
- Goonoo Forest
- Goonoo Goonoo
- Goorangoola
- Gordon
- Gore Hill
- Gormans Hill
- Gosford
- Gosforth
- Goulburn
- Goulburn DC
- Goulburn North
- Gouldsville
- Gowan
- Gowrie
- Grafton
- Grafton West
- Grants Beach
- Granville
- Grassy Head
- Grattai
- Grays Point
- Great Marlow
- Greenacre
- Greendale
- Greengrove
- Green Gully
- Green Hills
- Greenhills Beach
- Greenlands
- Greenleigh
- Green Point
- Greenwich
- Greenwich Park
- Gregadoo
- Greigs Flat
- Greta Main
- Greystanes
- Griffith
- Griffith DC
- Griffith East
- Grose Vale
- Grose Wold
- Grosses Plain
- Guerilla Bay
- Gulmarrad
- Gum Scrub
- Gunbar
- Gundagai
- Gundaroo
- Gundary
- Gundillion
- Gundy
- Gunning
- Gurranang
- Gurrundah
- Gwandalan
- Gwynneville
- Haberfield
- Hacks Ferry
- Halekulani
- Halfway Creek
- Hallidays Point
- Halloran
- Hallsville
- Hambledon Hill
- Hamlyn Terrace
- Hanging Rock
- Hanwood
- Harbord
- Hardys Bay
- Harefield
- Hargraves
- Harolds Cross
- Harpers Hill
- Harrington Park
- Harris Park
- Hassall Grove
- Havilah
- Hawks Nest
- Hay
- Hayes Gap
- Haymarket
- Hay South
- Hayters Hill
- Heathcote
- Heatherbrae
- Hebden
- Heddon Greta
- Heifer Station
- Hereford Hall
- High Range
- Hill End
- Hillgrove
- Hillsborough
- Hillsdale
- Hill Top
- Hillville
- Hillvue
- Hinton
- Hmas Platypus
- Hmas Waterhen
- Hmas Watson
- Hobartville
- Hobbys Yards
- Holbrook
- Holgate
- Holroyd
- Homebush Bay
- Home Rule
- Hopkins Creek
- Hornsby
- Hornsby Heights
- Horseshoe Bend
- Horsfield Bay
- Howards Grass
- Howes Valley
- Howick
- Hunters Hill
- Hunterview
- Hurlstone Park
- Hurstville
- Hurstville Grove
- Hurstville Westfield
- Ilarwill
- Ilford
- Illawong
- Ingebirah
- Ingleside
- Invergowrie
- Isabella
- Islington
- Jackadgery
- Jacky Bulbin Flat
- James Creek
- Jamisontown
- Jannali
- Jaspers Brush
- Jeir
- Jembaicumbene
- Jeogla
- Jeremadra
- Jeremy
- Jerrabattgulla
- Jerrabomberra
- Jerrawa
- Jerrong
- Jerrys Plains
- Jiggi
- Jilliby
- Jindabyne
- Jinden
- Jingera
- Joadja
- Jolly Nose
- Jones Bridge
- Jones Creek
- Jones Island
- Jordan Springs
- Judds Creek
- Junction Hill
- Junee
- Kahibah
- Kains Flat
- Kalkite
- Kangaloon
- Kangaroo Creek
- Kangaroo Valley
- Kangiara
- Kanwal
- Karabar
- Kareela
- Kariong
- Kars Springs
- Karuah
- Katoomba
- Katoomba DC
- Kearsley
- Keepit
- Keerrong
- Keinbah
- Keiraville
- Keith Hall
- Kellys Plains
- Kellyville
- Kellyville Ridge
- Kelso
- Kensington
- Kentlyn
- Keri Keri
- Kiar
- Kickabil
- Kielvale
- Killarney Heights
- Killarney Vale
- Killcare
- Killcare Heights
- Killimicat
- Killongbutta
- Kincumber
- Kincumber South
- Kindervale
- Kingfisher Shores
- Kingscliff
- Kings Cross
- Kingsdale
- Kingsdene
- Kings Forest
- Kingswood
- Kippara
- Kirkconnell
- Kirrawee
- Kirribilli
- Kitchener
- Kiwarrak
- Knights Hill
- Kogarah
- Kogarah Bay
- Kolodong
- Kooba
- Koolewong
- Koolkhan
- Koonorigan
- Koorainghat
- Kooringal
- Kosciuszko
- Kosciuszko National Park
- Krawarree
- Kremnos
- Kulnura
- Kundabung
- Kundle Kundle
- Kungala
- Kunghur
- Kunghur Creek
- Kurraba Point
- Kyarran
- Kyeamba
- Kynnumboon
- Lacmalac
- Lade Vale
- Laffing Waters
- Lagoon Grass
- Laguna
- Lake Albert
- Lake Bathurst
- Lake Cathie
- Lake Cowal
- Lake George
- Lakelands
- Lake Munmorah
- Lake Wyangan
- Lane Cove
- Lane Cove North
- Lane Cove West
- Lanitza
- Lankeys Creek
- Lansdowne
- Lansdowne Forest
- Lansvale
- La Perouse
- Lapstone
- Larbert
- Largs
- Larnook
- Lavender Bay
- Laverstock
- Lavington Dc
- Lawrence
- Leeton
- Leichhardt
- Lemington
- Lemon Tree
- Lennox Head
- Leonay
- Lerida
- Leumeah
- Leura
- Levenstrath
- Lewisham
- Leycester
- Liberty Grove
- Lighthouse Beach
- Lillian Rock
- Lilli Pilli
- Lilydale
- Lilyfield
- Limeburners Creek
- Limekilns
- Limpinwood
- Linburn
- Lindendale
- Lindfield
- Lindfield West
- Linley Point
- Lionsville
- Lisarow
- Lismore
- Lismore Heights
- Little Bay
- Little Billabong
- Little Forest
- Little Jilliby
- Little River
- Little Topar
- Little Wobby
- Llanarth
- Llandilo
- Lloyd
- Lochiel
- Lochinvar
- Locksley
- Loftus
- Loftville
- Londonderry
- Long Beach
- Long Jetty
- Long Point
- Longueville
- Loomberah
- Lorn
- Louth Park
- Lovedale
- Lovett Bay
- Lower Boro
- Lower Mangrove
- Lower Portland
- Lower Southgate
- Lucas Heights
- Luddenham
- Lue
- Luskintyre
- Lyndhurst
- Lynwood
- Macarthur Square
- Maclean
- Macmasters Beach
- Macquarie Centre
- Macquarie Park
- Macquarie Pass
- Macquarie University
- Magenta
- Maianbar
- Maison Dieu
- Maitland
- Maitland Bar
- Maitland North
- Maitland Vale
- Majors Creek
- Malabar
- Malabugilmah
- Maloneys Beach
- Malua Bay
- Manahan
- Manar
- Manchester Square
- Mandemar
- Mangerton
- Mangrove Creek
- Mangrove Mountain
- Manly
- Manly East
- Manly Vale
- Mannering Park
- Manning Point
- Manton
- Maraylya
- Marchmont
- Mardi
- Marinna
- Marlo Merrican
- Marlowe
- Marmong Point
- Marom Creek
- Maroota
- Maroubra
- Maroubra South
- Marrickville
- Marrickville Metro
- Marrickville South
- Marsden Park
- Marsfield
- Marulan
- Mascot
- Matcham
- Matraville
- Maude
- Maxwell
- Mayfield
- Mays Hill
- Mccarrs Creek
- Mcdougalls Hill
- Mcgraths Hill
- Mckees Hill
- Mcleans Ridges
- Mcmahons Point
- Meadowbank
- Meadow Flat
- Mebbin
- Medlow Bath
- Medway
- Meerschaum Vale
- Melinga
- Mellong
- Melrose Park
- Melville
- Menah
- Menai
- Menai Central
- Merewether
- Merewether Heights
- Merimbula
- Meroo
- Merricumbene
- Merrill
- Merungle Hill
- Meryla
- Metford
- Metford Dc
- Metz
- Michelago
- Middle Arm
- Middle Brook
- Middle Cove
- Middle Falbrook
- Middle Pocket
- Midginbil
- Milbrodale
- Milkers Flat
- Millah Murrah
- Millers Forest
- Millers Point
- Millfield
- Millingandi
- Milparinka
- Milroy
- Milsons Passage
- Milsons Point
- Milton
- Mindaribba
- Minjary
- Minore
- Mirador
- Miranda
- Mirannie
- Missenden Road
- Mitchell
- Mitchells Flat
- Mitchells Island
- Mittagong
- Modanville
- Mogo
- Mogood
- Mogriguy
- Moleville Creek
- Monaltrie
- Mona Vale
- Mondrook
- Monga
- Mongarlowe
- Monivae
- Monterey
- Mooball
- Moobi
- Moolarben
- Moonan Brook
- Moonan Flat
- Moonbah
- Moonee
- Mooney Mooney
- Mooney Mooney Creek
- Moore Creek
- Moore Park
- Moorilda
- Moorong
- Moorwatha
- Morning Bay
- Morpeth
- Morton
- Moruben
- Morundah
- Mosman
- Moss Vale
- Mountain Creek
- Mountain Top
- Mountain View
- Mount Annan
- Mount Austin
- Mount Burrell
- Mount Colah
- Mount David
- Mount Dee
- Mount Elliot
- Mount Fairy
- Mount Frome
- Mount Hutton
- Mount Keira
- Mount Knowles
- Mount Lewis
- Mount Lindsey
- Mount Murray
- Mount Olive
- Mount Panorama
- Mount Rankin
- Mount Royal
- Mount Saint Thomas
- Mount Thorley
- Mount View
- Mount Vincent
- Mount Warning
- Mount White
- Mudgee
- Mulbring
- Mulgoa
- Mulgrave
- Mullamuddy
- Mullengandra
- Mullion
- Mulloon
- Mummel
- Mundongo
- Munghorn
- Muronbung
- Murrami
- Murrengenburg
- Murrumbateman
- Murulla
- Murwillumbah
- Murwillumbah South
- Mutawintji
- Muttama
- Mylneford
- Myocum
- Myrtleville
- Nangus
- Napoleon Reef
- Narara
- Narellan
- Narellan Dc
- Narellan Vale
- Naremburn
- Narrabeen
- Narrandera
- Narrangullen
- Narraweena
- Nelligen
- Nelson
- Nelson Bay
- Nelsons Plains
- Nemingha
- Nericon
- Neringla
- Nerriga
- Nethercote
- Neutral Bay
- Neutral Bay Junction
- New Berrima
- Newbold
- Newbridge
- New Brighton
- Newcastle
- Newcastle East
- Newington
- Newtown
- Niagara Park
- Nightcap
- Nimbin
- Nobbys Creek
- Normanhurst
- North Albury
- Northangera
- North Arm
- North Arm Cove
- North Avoca
- North Balgowlah
- North Batemans Bay
- North Bondi
- North Curl Curl
- North Epping
- North Gosford
- North Lismore
- North Macquarie
- North Manly
- North Narrabeen
- North Richmond
- North Ryde
- North Shore
- North St Marys
- North Sydney
- North Sydney Shoppingworld
- North Tamworth
- North Wagga Wagga
- North Wahroonga
- North Willoughby
- North Wollongong
- Northwood
- North Yalgogrin
- Nulkaba
- Numinbah
- Numulgi
- Nunderi
- Nundle
- Nymboida
- Oakhampton
- Oakhampton Heights
- Oakhurst
- Oakville
- Oallen
- Oatlands
- Obanvale
- Oberne Creek
- Ocean Shores
- O'Connell
- Ogunbil
- Old Bar
- Olney
- Omadale
- One Tree
- Oolong
- Oranmeir
- Orton Park
- Osterley
- Oswald
- Oura
- Ournie
- Owens Gap
- Oxford Falls
- Oxley
- Oxley Island
- Oxley Park
- Oxley Vale
- Pacific Palms
- Packsaddle
- Paddington
- Paddys River
- Pages Creek
- Pagewood
- Palerang
- Paling Yards
- Palmers Channel
- Palmers Island
- Palmers Oaky
- Palmvale
- Pambula
- Pambula Beach
- Pampoolah
- Paringi
- Parkesbourne
- Parkville
- Parliament House
- Parramatta
- Parramatta Westfield
- Patchs Beach
- Patonga
- Paxton
- Paynes Crossing
- Pearces Creek
- Pearl Beach
- Peats Ridge
- Pebbly Beach
- Peel
- Pelton
- Pemulwuy
- Pendle Hill
- Pennant Hills
- Penrith
- Penrith Plaza
- Penrith South
- Penrose
- Perisher Valley
- Perthville
- Petersham
- Petersham North
- Phegans Bay
- Phillip Bay
- Phoenix Park
- Piallamore
- Piambong
- Picketts Valley
- Pilot Wilderness
- Pimlico
- Pimlico Island
- Pinbeyan
- Pindimar
- Pitnacree
- Pitt Town
- Pitt Town Bottoms
- Plumpton
- Point Clare
- Point Frederick
- Point Wolstoncroft
- Pokolbin
- Pomeroy
- Port Botany
- Porters Creek
- Port Hacking
- Port Macquarie
- Port Macquarie Bc
- Possum Brush
- Potts Point
- Pretty Beach
- Puddledock
- Pulganbar
- Pulletop
- Pumpenbil
- Punchbowl
- Purfleet
- Putta Bucca
- Putty
- Pymble
- Pyramul
- Pyrmont
- Queanbeyan
- Queanbeyan DC
- Queanbeyan East
- Queanbeyan West
- Queenscliff
- Queens Park
- Queens Pinch
- Quialigo
- Quiera
- Quorrobolong
- Raglan
- Rainbow Flat
- Ramornie
- Ramsgate
- Ramsgate Beach
- Randwick
- Ravensdale
- Ravensworth
- Raworth
- Rawsonville
- Raymond Terrace
- Raymond Terrace East
- Redbournberry
- Redfern
- Redhead
- Red Head
- Red Hill
- Red Rocks
- Reedy Creek
- Regentville
- Reidsdale
- Renwick
- Repentance Creek
- Reserve Creek
- Revesby
- Revesby Heights
- Revesby North
- Rhodes
- Richlands
- Richmond
- Richmond Hill
- Richmond Lowlands
- Richmond Vale
- Riverlea
- Riverside
- Riverstone
- Riverview
- Rixs Creek
- Robertson
- Robin Hill
- Rock Forest
- Rockley
- Rockley Mount
- Rock Valley
- Rocky Point
- Rodd Point
- Rollands Plains
- Ropes Crossing
- Rosebank
- Rose Bay
- Rose Bay North
- Rosebrook
- Rosedale
- Rosehill
- Roselands
- Rosemeadow
- Rose Valley
- Roseville
- Roseville Chase
- Roslyn
- Rothbury
- Roughit
- Round Mountain
- Rous
- Rouse Hill
- Rous Mill
- Rowan
- Rowlands Creek
- Royalla
- Royal North Shore Hospital
- Rozelle
- Running Stream
- Runnyford
- Run-O-Waters
- Ruse
- Rushcutters Bay
- Rushforth
- Russell Lea
- Rutherford
- Ruthven
- Sackville
- Sackville North
- Salamander Bay
- Sallys Flat
- Saltwater
- Sandbar
- Sandigo
- Sandon
- Sandringham
- Sandy Crossing
- San Isidore
- San Remo
- Sans Souci
- Saratoga
- Sassafras
- Satur
- Saumarez
- Saumarez Ponds
- Scarborough
- Scheyville
- Scone
- Scotland Island
- Scotts Flat
- Seaforth
- Seaham
- Sedgefield
- Seelands
- Segenhoe
- Settlement City
- Shallow Bay
- Shanes Park
- Shannondale
- Shark Creek
- Shelly Beach
- Shoal Bay
- Shoalhaven Heads
- Silverton
- Singleton
- Singleton Heights
- Skennars Head
- Skinners Shoot
- Sleepy Hollow
- Smeaton Grange
- Smiggin Holes
- Smithfield
- Smithfield West
- Smiths Creek
- Smiths Lake
- Snowball
- Sofala
- Soldiers Point
- Somersby
- Somerton
- South Albury
- Southampton
- South Arm
- South Ballina
- South Bathurst
- South Broken Hill
- South Coogee
- South Durras
- Southgate
- South Golden Beach
- South Grafton
- South Granville
- South Gundagai
- South Gundurimba
- South Lismore
- South Maitland
- South Maroota
- South Murwillumbah
- South Pambula
- South Penrith
- South Tamworth
- South Wentworthville
- South Windsor
- Speers Point
- Spit Junction
- Splitters Creek
- Springfield
- Spring Flat
- Spring Hill
- Springvale
- Stanbridge
- Stanmore
- St Clair
- Stewarts Brook
- Stewarts Mount
- St Fillans
- St George
- St Helens Park
- St Huberts Island
- St Leonards
- St Marys
- St Marys East
- St Marys South
- Stockyard Creek
- Stokers Siding
- Stonequarry
- Stony Chute
- Stony Creek
- Stotts Creek
- St Pauls
- St Peters
- Strathfield
- Stuarts Point
- Suffolk Park
- Summer Hill
- Summerland Point
- Sunny Corner
- Sunshine Bay
- Surf Beach
- Surfside
- Surry Hills
- Sutherland
- Sutton
- Sutton Forest
- Swan Bay
- Sweetmans Creek
- Sydenham
- Sydney
- Sydney Domestic Airport
- Sydney International Airport
- Sydney Olympic Park
- Sydney South
- Table Top
- Tacoma
- Tacoma South
- Tahlee
- Talbingo
- Tallong
- Tallwoods Village
- Talmalmo
- Talofa
- Taloumbi
- Tamarama
- Tamban
- Tambaroora
- Taminda
- Tamworth
- Tamworth South
- Tannas Mount
- Tarago
- Taralga
- Tarbuck Bay
- Taree
- Taree South
- Taren Point
- Tarlo
- Tarrawanna
- Tascott
- Tatton
- Tea Gardens
- Telarah
- Telegraph Point
- Telopea
- Tempe
- Tenambit
- Ten Mile Hollow
- Tennyson
- Teralba
- Terania Creek
- Terragon
- Terramungamine
- Terrey Hills
- Terrigal
- Teven
- Thalgarrah
- Tharbogang
- The Angle
- The Channon
- The Entrance
- The Entrance North
- The Gap
- The Hatch
- The Hill
- The Junction
- The Lagoon
- The Pinnacles
- The Pocket
- The Ridgeway
- The Rocks
- The Sandon
- The Slopes
- The Whiteman
- Thirroul
- Thornleigh
- Thrumster
- Thurgoona
- Tianjara
- Tibooburra
- Tichular
- Tilbuster
- Timbumburi
- Tinderry
- Tingira Heights
- Tinonee
- Tintenbar
- Tiona
- Tirrannaville
- Tolland
- Tolwong
- Tomalla
- Tomboye
- Tomewin
- Tongarra
- Toolijooa
- Toongi
- Toowoon Bay
- Totnes Valley
- Touga
- Towallum
- Townsend
- Towradgi
- Towrang
- Tralee
- Tregeagle
- Trenayr
- Triamble
- Triangle Flat
- Trunkey Creek
- Tucki Tucki
- Tuckombil
- Tuckurimba
- Tuggerah
- Tuggerawong
- Tullera
- Tullimbar
- Tullymorgan
- Tumbi Umbi
- Tumorrama
- Tumut
- Tumut Plains
- Tuncester
- Tuncurry
- Tuntable Creek
- Tura Beach
- Turill
- Turondale
- Turrella
- Turvey Park
- Twelve Mile
- Twelve Mile Creek
- Twenty Forests
- Tyagarah
- Tyalgum
- Tyalgum Creek
- Tygalgah
- Tyndale
- Uki
- Ulan
- Ullamalla
- Ultimo
- Umina Beach
- Undercliffe
- Upper Burringbar
- Upper Colo
- Upper Copmanhurst
- Upper Crystal Creek
- Upper Fine Flower
- Upper Kangaroo River
- Upper Kangaroo Valley
- Upper Lansdowne
- Upper Mangrove
- Upper Rollands Plains
- Upper Turon
- Uralba
- Urila
- Urliup
- Vaucluse
- Vineyard
- Wadalba
- Wagga Wagga
- Wagga Wagga BC
- Wagga Wagga South
- Wagstaffe
- Wahroonga
- Waitara
- Walang
- Wallabi Point
- Wallacetown
- Wallacia
- Wallalong
- Wallamore
- Wallarah
- Wallingat
- Wallis Lake
- Wambangalang
- Wamberal
- Wamboin
- Wambool
- Wamoon
- Wantabadgery
- Wantagong
- Wantiool
- Warburn
- Wardell
- Wardrop Valley
- Wards Mistake
- Wareemba
- Warkworth
- Warners Bay
- Warnervale
- Warragai Creek
- Warral
- Warrawidgee
- Warri
- Warringah Mall
- Washpool
- Watanobbi
- Waterfall
- Waterloo
- Waterview
- Waterview Heights
- Watsons Bay
- Wattamolla
- Wattle Flat
- Wattle Ponds
- Wattle Ridge
- Watton
- Waugorah
- Waverley
- Waverly
- Waverton
- Wayo
- Weabonga
- Wedderburn
- Wee Jasper
- Welby
- Wells Crossing
- Wendoree Park
- Wentworth Point
- Wentworthville
- Werai
- Wereboldera
- Wermatong
- Werri Beach
- Werrington
- Werrington County
- Werrington Downs
- West Albury
- West Armidale
- West Ballina
- West Bathurst
- Westbrook
- Westdale
- Westgate
- West Gosford
- Westleigh
- Westmead
- West Pymble
- West Ryde
- West Tamworth
- West Wollongong
- West Wyalong
- Wetherill Park
- Wheeler Heights
- Whian Whian
- Whitebridge
- Whiteman Creek
- White Rock
- Whittingham
- Whitton
- Whoota
- Wiagdon
- Wiarborough
- Widgelli
- Wilberforce
- Wilbetree
- Wildes Meadow
- Willbriggie
- Williamsdale
- Willoughby
- Willoughby East
- Willoughby North
- Willow Vale
- Wilpinjong
- Wimbledon
- Winburndale
- Windella
- Windellama
- Windermere
- Windeyer
- Windowie
- Windradyne
- Windsor
- Windsor Downs
- Winegrove
- Wingala
- Wingello
- Wingen
- Winston Hills
- Wirlinga
- Wisemans Creek
- Wog Wog
- Wollar
- Wollemi
- Wolli Creek
- Wollogorang
- Wollombi
- Wollomombi
- Wollongbar
- Wollongong
- Wollongong DC
- Wollongong West
- Wollstonecraft
- Wombarra
- Wombat Creek
- Wombeyan Caves
- Womerah
- Wondabyne
- Wongwibinda
- Woodbine
- Woodburn
- Woodford
- Woodford Island
- Woodhill
- Woodhouselee
- Woodlands
- Woodlawn
- Woodpark
- Woodrising
- Woodstock
- Woodville
- Woolgarlo
- Woollahra
- Woolloomooloo
- Woolomin
- Woolooma
- Woolooware
- Woolwich
- Woomargama
- Woongarrah
- Wooyung
- Worlds End
- Woronora
- Woronora Heights
- Woy Woy
- Woy Woy Bay
- Wyalong
- Wyanbene
- Wyangle
- Wybung
- Wyee
- Wyee Point
- Wylies Flat
- Wymah
- Wyoming
- Wyong
- Wyongah
- Wyong Creek
- Wyrallah
- Yalbraith
- Yanga
- Yarara
- Yarra
- Yarrabin
- Yarragundry
- Yarrahapinni
- Yarramalong
- Yarramundi
- Yarrangobilly
- Yarras
- Yarrawarrah
- Yarrawonga
- Yarrow
- Yarrunga
- Yass
- Yass River
- Yathella
- Yattalunga
- Yelgun
- Yellow Pinch
- Yellow Rock
- Yerrinbool
- Yetholme
- Yoogali
- Yowie Bay
- Zara
- Zetland