The Alehouse Project

Bar · Nightlife

· $$
· 7.7 / 10
Sound Information

Average sound level of 77 decibels (Loud Noise Level) based on measurements taken by users of the SoundPrint app . A Loud Noise Level is likely safe for hearing, difficult for conversation.

No Data
75 dB
77 dB
88 dB
5am - 11am
11am - 6pm
6pm - 10pm
10pm - 5am

Based on 47 SoundChecks

Quiet List
Recommendations by SoundPrint Users
Noise Complaints
Submitted by SoundPrint Users
Location Details
    Second-last night of The Alehouse, it’s packed and louder than ever before!
    Saturday at 9:35pm
     · 99 dBA
    Footy brings out the loudness
    Friday at 8:36pm
     · 85 dBA
    Unusually loud tonight
    Friday at 7:18pm
     · 80 dBA
    A bit louder than normal with the cricket on.
    Friday at 7:01pm
     · 75 dBA
    DJ tonight.
    Saturday at 9:52pm
     · 90 dBA
    Trivia night is loud
    Wednesday at 9:24pm
     · 82 dBA
    Unusually loud tonight. It seems COVID-19 isn’t keeping people away.
    Friday at 6:22pm
     · 82 dBA
    Unusually loud tonight, lots of Friday night boys here.
    Friday at 6:18pm
     · 82 dBA
    Loud today due to the Sunday sports on TV
    Sunday at 2:45pm
     · 80 dBA
    Unusually loud tonight
    Friday at 7:45pm
     · 81 dBA
    A bit louder than usual tonight
    Friday at 6:34pm
     · 77 dBA
    Thursdays are quiet.
    Thursday at 9:15pm
     · 68 dBA
    Early evenings are usually quiet.
    Friday at 4:52pm
     · 70 dBA
    Can be a little louder in here, but tonight is pretty typical and perfectly pleasant.
    Thursday at 8:27pm
     · 70 dBA