Nemo Grille

Seafood Restaurant

· $$$
· 8.1 / 10
Sound Information

Average sound level of 85 decibels (Very Loud Noise Level) based on measurements taken by users of the SoundPrint app . A Very Loud Noise Level is not safe for hearing, exposure can cause hearing loss.

Very Loud
No Data
No Data
85 dB
No Data
5am - 11am
11am - 6pm
6pm - 10pm
10pm - 5am

Based on 1 SoundCheck

Quiet List
Recommendations by SoundPrint Users
Noise Complaints
Submitted by SoundPrint Users
Location Details
    Got sat down in the main dining area. This area has 4 tables, two had a group of 4 each, and the other two tables were groups of two. We sat down in the last open 2 person table and were asked for our drink order and we literally couldn’t hear the waiter. I had the waiter repeat the specials as I told him it was very loud in here. He said Saturday nights are horrible. I guess when you had alcoholic beverages people forget how loud they can get.
    Sunday at 1:41am