Grand Central Baking Company

Bakery · Restaurant

· $
· 7.4 / 10
Sound Information

Average sound level of 71 decibels (Moderate Noise Level) based on measurements taken by users of the SoundPrint app . A Moderate Noise Level is safe for hearing, conducive to conversation.

71 dB
74 dB
No Data
No Data
5am - 11am
11am - 6pm
6pm - 10pm
10pm - 5am

Based on 58 SoundChecks

Quiet List
Recommendations by SoundPrint Users
Noise Complaints
Submitted by SoundPrint Users
Location Details
    The Starbucks up the street is much more acoustically comfortable, but the baked goods aren’t nearly a tasty.
    Friday at 8:49am
     · 73 dBA
    Sunday at 8:53am
     · 73 dBA
    While the SPL is moderate, speech intelligibility is not very good because of the long period of the sound decay. This is what happens in a big, open, high ceiling room with hard surfaces. Some acoustic treatment would make this space a lot more comfortable.
    Tuesday at 9:23am
     · 74 dBA
    Kitchen noise
    Thursday at 8:20am
     · 73 dBA
    Conversation requires shouting.
    Saturday at 10:31am
     · 77 dBA
    Only 7 customers in here this morning but the noise is moderately high. Rock n roll music and kitchen noise make conversation a little bit more difficult than usual. However, the biscuit and coffee was good.
    Thursday at 8:24am
     · 72 dBA
    Only 5 customers in here but the music and the staff are too loud.
    Monday at 8:46am
     · 71 dBA
    Louder than usual. The company has made no effort at acoustic improvement in this space. High ceilings. Hard surfaces. At some times of day this place is very uncomfortable. During busy periods the Lombard Effect is painfully obvious.
    Friday at 10:12am
     · 75 dBA
    Very pleasant in here this morning. I got a Jammer and coffee… really good! 👍🏻👍🏻
    Friday at 8:16am
     · 66 dBA
    SPL is not too bad but the room is too “live” because of all the hard surfaces.
    Tuesday at 8:34am
     · 72 dBA
    This place has high ceilings, hard surfaces, an open kitchen and there is absolutely no acoustic treatment in this space. It couldn’t be worse if it were designed for maximum sound pressure.
    Thursday at 9:05am
     · 76 dBA
    It’s getting worse.
    Thursday at 8:55am
     · 77 dBA
    Surprisingly noisy this morning.
    Thursday at 8:43am
     · 73 dBA
    Usually pretty quiet due to low occupancy. However, it gets noisy fast as customers arrive. The store has an open kitchen and service area, hard-surface walls and high ceiling, and absolutely no acoustic modifications or improvements. Some acoustic panels and ceiling clouds would make a big difference, but they are probably too expensive. Grand Central would have to sell a lot of cookies to afford to improve the acoustic environment
    Friday at 10:18am
     · 70 dBA
    Music is too loud. Not very many people in here but the noise is worse than usual for this time of morning.
    Friday at 9:45am
     · 71 dBA
    Early in the morning Grand Central Beaumont can be very quiet. The food’s good too. 🙂
    Tuesday at 4:02pm