The Usual

Cocktail Bar · Nightlife

· $$
· 7.7 / 10
Sound Information

Average sound level of 73 decibels (Moderate Noise Level) based on measurements taken by users of the SoundPrint app . A Moderate Noise Level is safe for hearing, conducive to conversation.

No Data
No Data
73 dB
No Data
5am - 11am
11am - 6pm
6pm - 10pm
10pm - 5am

Based on 36 SoundChecks

Quiet List
Recommendations by SoundPrint Users
Noise Complaints
Submitted by SoundPrint Users
Location Details
    Great place for quiet conversation, just not Friday or Saturday.
    Thursday at 9:22pm
     · 63 dBA
    Moved to a booth
    Friday at 8:35pm
     · 81 dBA
    Busy Thursday night. If you want quiet, come on Sunday through Tuesday or possibly Wednesday.
    Friday at 8:28pm
     · 83 dBA
    My quiet list recommendation does not apply to late on Friday and Saturday nights, but otherwise, if you want a place to actually talk to the people you came with, this is it. They have even installed acoustic solutions on the ceiling. Also, there are many private alcove spaces which are usually available Sunday through Thursday, or early on weekends. If you want to be more sociable, sit at the bar, as the bartenders are friendly and skilled at their craft.
    Sunday at 8:16pm
     · 59 dBA
    Busy Friday night at 9:30PM
    Friday at 9:20pm
     · 80 dBA
    This bar is a quiet and senior-friendly venue from Sunday through Wednesday. They tend to play oldies which for me is now Motown, or vintage rock from the 60s thru the 80s. On the other nights it can get louder, with a younger crowd, but even then they seem to have figured out to keep the music at a reasonable level so people can talk.
    Sunday at 8:04pm
     · 59 dBA
    Quiet Sunday through Thursday, but loud on Friday and Saturday.
    Friday at 9:23pm
     · 83 dBA
    The Usual is great on weeknights, early in the evening. There are alcoves which also help to reduce the noise and create privacy. We are seniors, and feel totally comfortable in our little alcove. The venue attracts a wide range of ages and genders, so you need to be OK with that.
    Saturday at 8:00pm
     · 71 dBA
    More people and not in a private booth
    Friday at 10:47pm
     · 81 dBA
    Friday night at 10:25pm, in a booth
    Friday at 10:25pm
     · 73 dBA