Mamajuana Cafe

Spanish Restaurant

· $$
· 7.5 / 10
Sound Information

Average sound level of 94 decibels (Very Loud Noise Level) based on measurements taken by users of the SoundPrint app . A Very Loud Noise Level is not safe for hearing, exposure can cause hearing loss.

Very Loud
No Data
No Data
No Data
94 dB
5am - 11am
11am - 6pm
6pm - 10pm
10pm - 5am

Based on 1 SoundCheck

Quiet List
Recommendations by SoundPrint Users
Noise Complaints
Submitted by SoundPrint Users
Location Details
    A fine selection of amplified bass, thumps, and floor rattling at great decibels that are sure to please even the pickiest of bougies. Drinks are available. And really, the point. A great place to see the crowds taking selfies, motorcyclists peacocking their feathers with a vroom vroom vroom anda zoom zoom, and every shade of black spandex. A great opportunity to look deeply into the eyes of your loved one, since speaking is out of the question unless you cough out a lung yelling high enough to hear yourself. Highly recommended. Place is LIIIITTT!!!
    Friday at 4:38am