JP's Hy Iu Hee Hee

Bar · Nightlife

· $$
· 8.4 / 10
Sound Information

Average sound level of 83 decibels (Very Loud Noise Level) based on measurements taken by users of the SoundPrint app . A Very Loud Noise Level is not safe for hearing, exposure can cause hearing loss.

Very Loud
No Data
No Data
83 dB
No Data
5am - 11am
11am - 6pm
6pm - 10pm
10pm - 5am

Based on 1 SoundCheck

Quiet List
Recommendations by SoundPrint Users
Noise Complaints
Submitted by SoundPrint Users
Location Details
    Per my waitstaff, I understand that the volume is loudest after 9 pm. I arrived a bit before 9 pm on a Friday night. Your place, your rules. But no matter how good the food, customers shouldn’t have to be warned in advance that an establishment is so loud that they won’t be to converse without yelling over the top of each other and everyone else in the room. Or to bring ear plugs if they don’t want to risk permanent hearing damage. The noise volume is concert level, which would be fine if that’s what I signed up for, but I didn’t. To make matters worse, it wasn’t even good music.
    Friday at 9:06pm
     · 83 dBA