Burp Castle

Pub · Nightlife

· $$
· 7.3 / 10
Sound Information

Average sound level of 65 decibels (Quiet Noise Level) based on measurements taken by users of the SoundPrint app . A Quiet Noise Level is safe for hearing, great for conversation.

No Data
61 dB
65 dB
69 dB
5am - 11am
11am - 6pm
6pm - 10pm
10pm - 5am

Based on 60 SoundChecks

On SoundPrint's Curated Quiet List for New York!
Quiet List
Recommendations by SoundPrint Users
Noise Complaints
Submitted by SoundPrint Users
Location Details
    Friday at 9:47pm
     · Rated Moderate
    Friday at 9:46pm
     · Rated Moderate
    Saturday at 7:56pm
     · Rated Quiet
    At times it gets a little loud, but is quickly shushed when it does.
    Saturday at 7:11pm
     · Rated Moderate
    At times it gets a little loud, but is quickly shushed when it does.
    Saturday at 7:09pm
     · Rated Moderate
    At times it gets a little loud, but is quickly shushed when it does.
    Saturday at 7:09pm
     · Rated Moderate
    Saturday at 10:24pm
     · Rated Moderate
    Saturday at 5:37pm
     · Rated Quiet
    Someone is watching a football game on their phone and is not getting shushed.
    Saturday at 8:21pm
     · Rated Very Loud
    Saturday at 8:09pm
     · Rated Quiet
    There was no one in there when I went but the theme of the bar is quiet. Bartender will shush you if you’re too loud.
    Monday at 12:46am
    One of the very few quiet bars around - the bartender will shush you if you're too loud!!
    Saturday at 4:25am