Annenberg Hall

College Cafeteria · Other

Sound Information

Average sound level of 77 decibels (Loud Noise Level) based on measurements taken by users of the SoundPrint app . A Loud Noise Level is likely safe for hearing, difficult for conversation.

71 dB
78 dB
79 dB
No Data
5am - 11am
11am - 6pm
6pm - 10pm
10pm - 5am

Based on 26 SoundChecks

Quiet List
Recommendations by SoundPrint Users
Noise Complaints
Submitted by SoundPrint Users
Location Details
    Thursday at 6:56pm
     · 79 dBA
    9:05 on Halloween day!
    Thursday at 9:05am
     · 67 dBA
    18:31 pm on Tuesday evening
    Tuesday at 6:31pm
     · 76 dBA
    Monday evening at 18:30
    Monday at 6:29pm
     · 78 dBA
    Friday noon at 12:23
    Friday at 12:23pm
     · 78 dBA
    Sunday 19:04
    Sunday at 7:04pm
     · 77 dBA
    Saturday 18:24
    Saturday at 6:24pm
     · 78 dBA
    Friday noon at 12:27
    Friday at 12:27pm
     · 79 dBA
    Thursday 17:55
    Thursday at 5:56pm
     · 78 dBA
    Thursday noon at 12:05
    Thursday at 12:05pm
     · 75 dBA
    Noon at 12:23, Wednesday
    Wednesday at 12:23pm
     · 79 dBA
    17:34, Tuesday evening
    Tuesday at 5:34pm
     · 76 dBA
    Thursday 7:00pm - it’s noisy...even thought it should be almost past the rush hour
    Thursday at 7:00pm
     · 78 dBA
    Monday evening 18:24
    Monday at 6:24pm
     · 79 dBA
    Monday morning at 8:40
    Monday at 8:40am
     · 75 dBA
    Friday evening at 18:29
    Friday at 6:29pm
     · 86 dBA
    Friday morning at 8:47am
    Friday at 8:47am
     · 76 dBA
    Wednesday evening at 18:39pm.
    Wednesday at 6:39pm
     · 81 dBA
    Measured on Wednesday noon at 12:23.
    Wednesday at 12:29pm
     · 78 dBA
    Tuesday evening at Annenberg. It's 18:06.
    Tuesday at 6:06pm
     · 78 dBA
    Measured at 6:36pm, Monday evening.
    Monday at 6:37pm
     · 80 dBA
    Monday morning at 8:25.
    Monday at 8:25am
     · 72 dBA
    Sunday evening, at 6:11. Many students are eating here at the moment.
    Sunday at 6:12pm
     · 79 dBA
    Again, it's a Sunday morning
    Sunday at 9:56am
     · 67 dBA
    Measured on a Sunday morning. There’s few people here
    Sunday at 10:01am
     · 66 dBA